Sunday, December 13, 2009

Oily skin ?

im 13

and i wet a face towel and rub my face in the morning

then after skool i do the same

but at night i use special facial wash, cetaphil, and then dry it w/ a facial sponge

during skool i can notice that my face is VERY oily

it shines in the

how do i decrease this oil?Oily skin ?
Your body has a normal mechanism in it to produce oil. It does this because of LACK OF MOISTURE. If you are not moisturizing your face the body increases the production (trust me I used to be oily before noon and I would never have believed what I just told you till I did research). Now you need to find a GOOD moisturizer. I use a oil control lotion by Mary Kay. With that and a good cleanser and a good powder foundation ( to absorb oil throughout the day w/ beauty blotters) you might be able to get it to slow down production. I know right now it's a curse to have oily skin but when you are older and the production gland starts to slow down your skin will look better than those with dry skin. Good Luck!Oily skin ?
Clean and clear is a great product to use. all u need to do is get some cotton balls, squeeze some clean and clear into a sandwich bag with the cotton balls and u can use it anytime u need to feel fresh and dry.
translucent powder darling! it'll take it away and keep you from shining the entire day!
I have the same problem I use blush and put it all over my face and it seems to take the shine out it helps me. I hope it works :]
An oily skin , as the name implies, is one in which the sebaceous or oil-producing glands are over active. As surface grease tends to attract dirt, an oily skin acquires a dirty surface film , that needs to be removed daily. For more details log to
I am 14 and that used to always happen to me but the key is to MOISTURIZE after WASHING you face.

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